PhpMyNewsLetter 2.0

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#1 Re : Support général » [Résolu] TinyMCE Wrong Language » 03-11-2017 15:14:36

Thank you Arnaud for the fast and speedy reply. Much appreciated!

I successfully got the TinyMCE to display English.

As yo suggested, I edited listes.php file line 348 by changing the language to 'en_GB'.

BINGO!  that worked.   big_smile

I couldn't have done it without your suggestion and detailed instruction where all the files were located.   tongue

Thank you!

P.S.   if you need any assistence with translation from French to English, I can help you out.  No problem!  I do see many improvements needed with the English language version of PhpMyNewsletter 2.0  Feel free to send me an email with detailed information with your request.


#2 Support général » [Résolu] TinyMCE Wrong Language » 03-11-2017 15:14:36

Réponses : 3

I'm a new user of PhpMyNewsletter, v. 2.04

Installation went smooth with no isssues.  kiss

However, in the Admin Panel / Configure The Letter / Settings of the Newsleter / text areas / the TinyMCE is all in French, which I need to change it to the English version.   Can someone point me in the right direction to which files or configuration need modified?

Thank you in advance, Mate!   wink

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